Ivan Zorzetto
My first book was officially launched on 25.09.2023 in Italy!
What a great excitement!!!
Titled ‹𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢 𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨› this book isn't just another theoretical handbook. It's a practical guide filled with real-life examples and actionable solutions drawn from my own experiences as a manager and entrepreneur.
As a person who has been through the ups and downs of leadership, I have poured my heart and soul into this book to equip fellow managers and entrepreneurs with the essential initiatives needed for success. From understanding and managing people to fostering growth and improvement, this book covers it all. Because, let's face it, navigating the complexities of leadership is both challenging and immensely rewarding.
This book is a result of years of experience, years of hard work in the field; it represents a manual of practical actions on people management that I hope will help you accelerate your business expansion!
I wrote it with the aim of transferring all essential initiatives that a manager or entrepreneur should put in place and that I have tested on my own skin, getting burned more than once. So don't expect to read a theoretical handbook, but a book with practical examples and solutions to put into action right away!
Being able to understand, to manage, to grow, and to improve one's people is one of the most complex jobs there is, but for that very reason it is also the most fascinating and rewarding.
I strongly believe that the success of a business owner or manager depends solely on the success of the people they lead. You will be successful only when your people are successful.
The book is divided into four parts: the first one is about motivation, the second one is about intention, the third one is about communication, and finally, the fourth and final one is about emotions. Motivation, intention, communication and emotions are in fact the four main elements that determine the success of every person, regardless of the role or type of company or industry. An individual who knows the mechanisms of these four elements will be able to have a good awareness to act in a focused, effective, ethical and productive way, thus achieving success as a person and as a professional.
But the journey doesn't stop there!
In December 2023, ‹𝐄𝐦𝐨𝐳𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢 𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨› was translated inто Bulgarian, opening doors for even more readers to benefit from the shared insights.
On 19th January 2024, the book was presented in Sofia, Bulgaria, alongside esteemed representatives of the Italian business community and local entrepreneurs and managers. It was an unforgettable experience with the invaluable support of Il Velo di Maya MAGAZINE and Olga Georgieva.

"Exceptional love for people, a deep understanding of human nature and the true way to motivate: through dreams and emotions. Ivan Zorzetto's book is unlike any other management book. It leaves a mark.
It was a great pleasure to be the editor of the Bulgarian edition. Thanks to OSM Bulgaria for the trust!"

"Having read Ivan's work, I can express the following: for me the book was very useful and respectively instructive due to the fact that it talks about managing people, teams, innovative thinking, as well as presenting real cases in the modern business, including the idea of the individual elevated to a pedestal!
Many people have fresh ideas for development, but don't understand that every project they do ultimately rests on the shoulders of the people, and the success of everything depends on them; I won't say here how many good things have not seen implementation due to unmotivated or disengaged staff.
It's a book readble in one breath and with a very detailed focus, backed up with a vision, which means so much to me.
I would definitely recommend that this book is positioned in the personal library of people who lead or manage teams, and not only."
Emotions in command
“An interesting book that explained to me, with simple and direct writing, how to inspire people and to lead them to success. Being a leader goes beyond being a business owner, you need to know how to connect and inspire people, to lead a team to experience its own positive emotions. The author shares that you must first apply it on yourself and then be able to do it with the people you manage, all by attuning to their tone, communicating, understanding and listening. A good read that I recommend to those who want to improve their business team and, consequently, their productivity.“
“This book is divided into four different parts with very profound topics. In the first part, it talks about motivation, in the second part it talks about intention and how to act, in the third part it talks about communication and how to behave and finally, in the fourth part it talks about emotions and how to manage them. The book is very interesting, simple to read and is well-written, I recommend it to everyone.“
„Motivation, intention, communication and emotions: these are the four pillars on which all the discussion that this entrepreneur has decided to disseminate to help all people who are in management roles. By reading this beautiful manual, all entrepreneurs who really want to achieve lasting success have the opportunity to take inspiration from the teachings and absolutely practical and concrete examples that they can find in this book.“
Beyond theory
„... an authentic gem in the world of business management and leadership. The author offers readers a practical and concrete manual based on years of experience in the field, a real compendium of actions that can accelerate business growth. Zorzetto shares not only his theories, but also the litter tests he has faced personally in his entrepreneurial journey. This pragmatic approach is what sets the book apart and makes it extremely valuable for anyone who wants to grow as a manager or entrepreneur!“
„The book has been divided into 4 four parts, each of which expands a specific area of fundamental importance for being a great boss and making your company profit by creating an efficient team, reading the book you understand the author's sacrifice and hard work. I was also struck by the bonus video courses that can be accessed completely free of charge, which is not entirely obvious and which I really enjoyed.“
The story
goes on…

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